User Guide

This section explains the various ways to use the program and how to call it with different parameters.

The program can be run in cli or interface mode. Both of them offers the same capabilities and parameters.

User Interface

Main Window

The main window is a form divided in two parts :

  • Search Form (basic arguments)

  • Advanced Settings

Search Form

When a circle is red, it means that the option is selected

  • Firstname : Specifies the first name.

  • Lastname : Specifies the last name.

  • Birthday : Specifies the birthday, in order to use it you need to click on the "Toggle birthday" button

  • Search only the alias : Make a crawl only for alias.

  • Alias : Specifies the alias.

  • Keyword : Adds a keyword or a query to a crawl.

    -> For example : "F" AND Society

If the requested first/last name is in a non-Latin alphabet, it is necessary to search by alias only

Advanced Settings

  • Deep Crawl: Enable deep crawl.

  • Limit the size of generated nicknames : Specifies both maximum and minimum limits of size for generating possible pseudonyms.

  • Export generated nicknames in CSV : Export the generated nicknames in CSV.

  • Import your custom private/public proxy list : Drop a file for custom public/private proxy list import.

Please find below an example of the intended proxy file (in csv format )

IP AddressPort




Result Window

There are two possible windows depending on the options you choose before :

  • Surface Crawl Result Window (by default)

  • Deep Crawl Result Window (will be display if deep crawl is enabled)

Surface Crawl Result Window

This is the default results' window. It will display the results from a surface crawl. You can filter the results by social network.

You can filter specific strings from the URLs displayed using the search bar.

You can select one or more URLs in the results section. An increment shows the number of URLs that can be opened simultaneously in the default web browser by clicking on it.

Deep Crawl Window

This window is displayed when Deep Crawl is enabled in the main window prior to a crawl. The results are filtered by social network in a specific tab. As before, you can search for a specific string in the search bar or open URLs into a web browser.

Some URLs are highlighted in red. They refer to social network accounts that may not exist. They are deduced from the Instagram Deep Crawl results.

Command Lines Interface



This section lists the various arguments that can be used with the program along with their descriptions and usage.

Basic Arguments

  • --firstname, -f: Specifies the first name.

  • --lastname, -l: Specifies the last name.

  • --birthday, -b: Specifies the birthday in the format DD-MM-YYYY.

  • --alias_only, -no: Make a crawl only for alias.

  • --alias, -al: Specifies the alias.

  • --keyword, -k: Adds a keyword or a query to a crawl.

Social Networks

  • --instagram, -ig: Enable crawl on Instagram.

  • --facebook, -fb: Enable crawl on Facebook.

  • --x, -x: Enable crawl on X (Twitter).

  • --linkedin, -lin: Enable crawl on LinkedIn.

  • --tiktok, -t: Enable crawl on TikTok.

  • --all, -a: Enable crawl on all social networks (enabled by default).

Advanced Options

  • --deepcrawl, -: Enable deep crawl.

  • --pseudo_size, -ps: Specifies the limit of size for generating possible pseudonyms (deep crawl).

  • --export_nickname, -csv: Export the generated nicknames in CSV. (Only works if deepcrawl enabled)

  • --proxyfile: Specifies the filepath for custom public/private proxy list import.

Log Level

  • --log: Set the log level with the given choices. Available choices: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL (default: CRITICAL).

User Interface (UI)

  • --ui: Launches the UI mode


Example 1: Specifying only First Name and Last Name

python --firstname John --lastname Doe

Example 2 : Specifying all basics arguments

python --firstname John --lastname Doe --birthday 01-01-1990 --nickname joker

Example 3 : Specifying some basics arguments and enable research only on facebook

python --firstname John --lastname Doe --facebook

Example 4 : Specifying some basics arguments and enable deepcrawl

python --firstname John --lastname Doe --deepcrawl

Example 5 : Specifying some basics arguments and export the generated nicknames in csv

python --firstname John --lastname Doe --deepcrawl --export_nickname

Last updated